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'68-'78 FULLSIZE: wheelbase is 119.0" on 1968 wagons; 123.0" on 1968 sedans/coupes;
wheelbase is 121.0" on 1969-1978 wagons; 124.0" on 1969-1978 sedans/coupes
Mercury Monterey 2-dr hardtop3854397038903959408641674506----
Mercury Monterey 4-dr hardtop38924008396140244141------
Mercury Monterey 4-dr post 3895394839264029413642254559----
Mercury Monterey wagon, 6p -427742354401449546234916----
Mercury Monterey wagon, 9p -431843274451454546734966----
Mercury Mercury Mercury Monterey Custom 2-dr hardtop-39983922--------
Monterey Custom 4-dr hardtop-40233973--------
Mercury Monterey Custom 4-dr post-40133931--------
Mercury Monterey Custom wagon, 6p-4342---------
Mercury Monterey Custom wagon, 9p-4380---------
Mercury Montclair 2dr hardtop3882----------
Mercury Montclair 4-dr hardtop3907----------
Mercury Montclair 4-dr post3897----------
Mercury Park Lane 2-dr hardtop3955----------
Mercury Park Lane 4-dr hardtop4000----------
Mercury Park Lane 4-dr post4019----------
Mercury Marauder 2-dr hardtop-40443972--------
Mercury Marauder X-100 2-dr hardtop-41914128--------
Mercury Marquis 2-dr hardtop3987419240724276423644114698----
Mercury Marquis 2-dr post-------4470443642934296
Mercury Marquis 4-dr hardtop-423741414341439144534753----
Mercury Marquis 4-dr post-4226412143464386447747574066446043264328
Mercury Marquis Brougham 2-dr hardtop-421541194276438644754762----
Mercury Marquis Brougham 2-dr post-------4747465243504317
Mercury Marquis Brougham 4-dr hardtop-443641824341444145654853----
Mercury Marquis Brougham 4-dr post-4295416643464436454748334799469344084346
Grand Marquis 2-dr post-------4815461945164342
Mercury Grand Marquis 4-dr post-------4762472345724414
Mercury Commuter wagon, 6p4178----------
Mercury Commuter wagon, 9p4297----------
Mercury Colony Park wagon, 6p425943764442451245794730500649534878--
Mercury Colony Park wagon, 9p429544504448456246294780505650034906--

'67-'79 COUGAR: wheelbase is 111.1" on '67'-70; 113.0" on '71-'73; 114.0" on '74-'79 2-drs; 118.0" on 4-drs
Mercury Cougar 2-dr hardtop2988313432193285333132823396------
Mercury Cougar 2-dr post----------390938653883
Mercury Cougar 4-dr post----------389338483843
Mercury Cougar wagon----------4434--
Mercury Cougar Villager wagon----------4482--
Mercury Cougar Brougham 2-dr post----------3852--
Mercury Cougar Brougham 4-dr post----------3946--
Mercury Cougar GT 2-dr hardtop3000------------
Mercury Cougar XR7 2-dr hardtop3015317432213311336032983416425541084168---
Mercury Cougar XR7 2-dr post----------390938653883
Mercury Cougar Eliminator 2-dr hardtop--3250----------

This is a fan site created before any direct connection with the t.d.a.